Vitamin psoriasis : what you drink, ointment, cream

Vitamins such as direct participative change processes, necessary only in the presence of their full body. Therefore, vitamin psoriasis treatment with general prescription: to fight a disease that succeeds in providing such an approach.

vitamin psoriasis

Indications vitamin psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, therefore, vitamin psoriasis not only that but also it is very necessary. Help strengthen skin layers and improve skin attachments and the components useful vitamin, your metabolism is broken in the process pathology.

We're doing adjustments to your own psoriasis Vitamin biochemical reactions in the body are occurring. You need to take them that it's not chaotic, and certainly a doctor's orders, such as incorrect or excessive use of drugs can aggravate the disease course.

Along may be sufficient for slight psoriasis vitamins that the body food. As you see your doctor, if necessary, prescribed an integrated or separate vitamin preparations.

Psoriasis vitamin what to drink?

Consume all the vitamins recommended for psoriasis, can be divided into two categories:

  1. Vitamins, fat-soluble applies to a number. lecithin retinol (vit. A), tocopherol (vit. E), cholecalciferol (vit. D).
  2. A number of vitamins water-soluble vitamins gr. B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid.

Release form

  • The easiest and most common form, broadcasting, vitamins, the pill is considered to be psoriasis patients. Simple and easy to get them, usually their lifespan is the longest of shelf life.
  • Handy alternative pill capsules are generally produced in capsules fat-soluble vitamins.
  • The powder is easier to shape, but rarely in the form that is used in vitamin preparations.
  • Solution, oral and injectable applications: bulb, produced and bottled, sometimes together should be cleaned.

Vitamin psoriasis main titles

Prescription Vitamin psoriasis according to different treatment schemes. In severe cases, maybe the introduction of the injection of drugs is relatively light – oral. Standard treatment the duration of the course at least one month: in this case, additional vitamin capsules, tablets or injection to comply with a diet vitaminized.

It will be a real vitamin D for psoriasis benefit is that there are features such as:

  • accelerate healing, tissue affected by psoriasis;
  • increases of calcium and phosphorus exchange;
  • enhances the absorption of trace elements;
  • along with other B vitamins improves immunity.

To get vitamin D in patients with psoriasis or use as an external ointment.

In the body, vitamin D synthesized under the influence of the UFO. Additionally, this article contains:

  • milk, butter;
  • marine fish;
  • krupa oatmeal;
  • vegetable oils;
  • the yolk of an egg.
  • Only your doctor as vitamin B vitamins psoriasis itself throws the dose is difficult to define.
    • Vitamin B1 helps the metabolic reactions that set the function of setting up the nervous system, endocrine processes and performance, activating brain cells. Take vitamin B1 and products. Her there are a lot, meat, liver, nuts and seeds, grains.
    • Not only psoriasis vitamin B2 stimulates the metabolism, helps but at the same time, refreshes and heals the tissues. Prescription usually intramuscular vitamin B2, however, get a large amount products: mushrooms, white meat, cottage cheese, hard cheese.
    • Vitamin B6, is especially useful for treatment of psoriasis. Basic skills this stimulation, the activation of lipid and amino acid metabolism, hormone synthesis, and quality improvement hemoglobin, recovery of nerve cells. In addition, vitamin B6 displays excess cholesterol blood circulation. You can apply vitamin C in the form of intramuscular injection, as well as food: nuts, fish, white meat.
    • Psoriasis vitamin B12 performs several important functions: help forming processes leak, the State stabilized the nervous system, improves the functioning of the liver. Prescription vitamin B12 injection is usually along with calcium gluconate. Substances and liver are also useful in the hands of meat products or fish.
  • Vitamin E psoriasis, are simply irreplaceable:
    • that is considered a natural antioxidant;
    • improves oxygen supply fabrics;
    • accelerates the recovery of skin.

Get vitamin E to standard C – inside, 300 to 400 IU. Recommended to combine vitamins E and A.

Extra amount you could Food Vitamin E: nuts, berries, dried fruits, vegetable oils, fish, grains.

Vitamin D ointments for psoriasis

Very common dental drugs with vitamins. Flat pockets for them to put on psoriasis affected.

Among such drugs, ointments, when presented with vitamin D, the active ingredient, a synthetic analog of Natural Vitamin D3. Accelerate morphological differentiation of keratinocytes and their proliferation crushing ointment listed, so this feature is considered a main psoriasis treatment.

Calcium is the foundation of currency lives from time to time, less influence, on the contrary, vitamin D3. Apply the ointment morning and night to the skin. Effect detected along a 10-12 day treatment.

Skin area remedies that is not compatible with vitamin D ointments with salicylic acid containing.

Vitamin A nail psoriasis tooth

You can apply vitamin only internal, but also external applications and creams in the form of increases in his favor a few times. The underlying epidermal layers capable of better penetration because of a molecular weight vitamin, incentives, accelerated tissue healing.

It contains Retinol and therapeutic many cosmetic creams and ointments. Vitamin promotes skin collagen regeneration, which makes this article and its stock.

A solution of vitamin A fat can be purchased at an ordinary pharmacy. Vitamin psoriasis applied regularly for 1-2 months 2-3 months along with applique Dec. Such a treatment to achieve good results: nails are cleaned, catch up with leather and smoothed.

Continuous practice dental practice can't be vitamin A: excess substances are harmful to the body and even can cause allergic reactions.



In the meantime, comprehensive, and all you need is a person afflicted psoriasis vitamin provides the nutrients. Vitamin psoriasis have a direct positive impact processes that change the texture and strengthen public and local immunity.

Retinol (A) increases the metabolism of fat and the reaction of the cross-oxidation of the oil, both substances participating in the metabolism of epithelial tissue potenziare structuring.

Vitamin B-inflammation and degeneration of tissues out of the group of symptoms improve blood circulation, stabilize neuron function and overall acid-base balance that are involved in foreign exchange transactions.

Ascorbic acid, reducing and oxidizing an active participant in biological processes. The direct effects of vitamin C in collagen production and formation, cell structure, blood hemoglobin quantity, quality, biological catecholamine synthesis of red blood cells. Disables the negative effects of ascorbic acid against free radicals protects the cell membrane damaging effect of the process of cross-oxidation.

Tocopherol vitamin E to protect skin youthful and attachments, rotary the elasticity and hydration of the tissues.


Metabolic conversion of retinol occurs in the liver, then this article free blood serum. Globulins it comes to shipping, warning drug filtering news.

Thiamine (v. B1) assimilated 12-diseases, intestine, and small intestine. Distribution to the tissues is good. .

Ascorbic acid digestion in the mouth and intestine. I learned and accumulated secretions and plasma vitamin moved in the tissues. The level of ascorbic acid in tissues and blood cells of the drug at a level that exceeds many times the blood serum.

Of vitamin use during pregnancy for treatment of psoriasis

For pregnant women the necessary attention, the lack of vitamins in the body and toxicity. And both the fetus and the baby's future health in an extremely negative situation.

Agree, normal vitamin complexes, it is not recommended during pregnancy, isn't It, doctor insist that you, and you accept them. Usually, the dose of vitamin preparations, which pregnant and lactating patients and according to data selected in a special physiological period.

Including any vitamin in pregnancy psoriasis acceptance, allowed, the doctor necessarily must be compatible.


Vitamin psoriasis it is not recommended to get:

  • the development of drug allergy to vitamin A, high probability;
  • severe lesions, liver and kidney;
  • this hipervitaminoz vitamins A diagnosis, the incoming multi-vitamin complex.

Vitamin psoriasis side effects

In these cases, you may develop an allergic hypersensitivity reaction of the individual vitamins. Such a reaction manifests itself as:

  • skin rashes;
  • skin rash;
  • edema, skin;
  • earnings itching.

If any symptoms occur, the intake of vitamin A should be stopped and contact your doctor.

Sometimes the intense yellow coloring of urine may be color – vitamin pills this is normal and should be revoked.

Dosage and administration

Usually, after 10-15 minutes after a meal or vitamin psoriasis accepted. The dosage is determined depending on a particular drug, and on average, 2 tablets (pills) every day.

Vitamin A psoriasis day treatment course is determined by the doctor and on average 1-2 months. The amount of daily medication can be increased or decreased, recommendations physicians.


Overdose, vitamin psoriasis it is not registered. Let's development syndrome, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain as well as headaches, dizziness, drowsiness. In this case, you stop taking the medicine and begin symptomatic treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

Ascorbic acid vitamin aggravate psoriasis symptoms and side effects that comes with antibacterial sulfonamides.

Other than vitamin pills, drug interactions, prescription psoriasis, were observed.

Storage conditions

At normal room temperature in a dark place when you can save a vitamin, A Restricted boy.

Shelf life

Most vitamin preparations shelf life – 1-2 years. This specific call information on the packaging and are subject to availability.

Vitamin treatment of psoriasis when it has expired should not be used for storage.